The 8th Global Public Health Conference (GLOBEHEAL 2025)

Call for Papers

The 8th Global Public Health Conference 2025


GLOBEHEAL 2025 marks the 8th edition of the successful Global Public Health conference series organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management. The annual Public Health conferences were initiated in 2018 (The GLOBEHEAL 2018) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. After the initiation, the 2nd conference was organized in Colombo, Sri Lanka (The GLOBEHEAL 2019). The 3rd conference (The GLOBEHEAL 2020) was held in Bangalore, India. The 4th and 5th conferences (The GLOBEHEAL 2021, The GLOBEHEAL 2022) were held online and the 6th conference was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka (The GLOBEHEAL 2023), the 7th conference (The GLOBEHEAL 2024) was held in Bangkok, Thailand. he standards, Impacts and quality of the GLOBEHEAL conference has highly recognized by the academia and the public health community in the world.

Theme: “Community Engagement and Empowerment: Strengthening Health Promotion Initiatives”

“Community Engagement and Empowerment: Strengthening Health Promotion Initiatives” is a comprehensive program aimed at fostering collaboration and empowerment within communities to enhance health outcomes. Through this initiative, we strive to actively involve community members in the design, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion activities. By engaging with local residents, leaders, and organizations, we aim to build trust, foster a sense of ownership, and promote sustainable health practices. Our approach emphasizes capacity building, knowledge sharing, and skill development to empower individuals and communities to take charge of their health and well-being. Through strategic partnerships and innovative interventions, we seek to create environments that support healthy choices and address the social determinants of health. Together, we can cultivate resilient communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Objectives of the GLOBEHEAL 2025

Build an Updated and Futuristic International Community

One of the main objectives of the GLOBEHEAL 2025 is to continuously improve the standards of the international community of researchers, scholars, and activists by exposing them to the latest trends, developments, and challenges in the field.

Develop Careers and Increase Opportunities

The GLOBEHEAL 2025 is meticulously crafted to enhance participants’ career development and amplify future opportunities. Esteemed professionals in the field will lead the conference’s distinct components. Attendees can expect a dynamic blend of networking, insightful keynote speeches, engaging discussions, industry-academia exchanges, plenary sessions, and workshops, alongside top-tier publication prospects. Additionally, the Conference Committee has taken the initiative to offer a dedicated scholarship program for African-Asian researchers, providing over 30 partial scholarships to support their participation.

High-Quality Conference Standards and Publication Standards

The conference is specially designed by the TIIKM Research and Development team together with a committee of experts and International Universities and networks with the guidance of the Academic Governing Body of TIIKM conferences. The GLOBEHEAL 2025 is under the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Conference general standards created to maximize Industry –academia – Policymakers’ collaborations. The conference consists of several special issues and High quality supported journals while Conference proceedings are published in Open Journal System (OJS) with Indexing and DOI.

Platform with Highest Networking Opportunities

The 8th Global Public Health Conference 2025 (GLOBEHEAL 2025) has a wide range of networking opportunities to maximize participants’ international network. Conference networking dinners (optional), Academic partner’s discussions, panel discussions, Lunches and refreshments, post-conference tours will be great opportunities for participants to get life-changing experiences.

You are invited to submit your abstract to the 8th Global Public Health Conference 2025 (GLOBEHEAL 2025)

Conference Tracks

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to,

Primary Health Care

  • Primary care medicine
  • Quality in primary care
  • Family medicine and primary care
  • Primary care services
  • Dental primary care
  • Primary health care management
  • Global primary care
  • Primary home care

Metabolic Syndrome

  • Pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Causes of metabolic syndrome
  • Risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome
  • Diagnosis, treatments and medications


  • Cardiovascular and clinical epidemiology
  • Clinical trials and evidence synthesis
  • Environmental epidemiology
  • General epidemiology and methodology
  • Genetic epidemiology
  • Infectious disease epidemiology

Environmental Health

  • Road traffic accidents
  • Trans boundary air pollution
  • Outdoor and indoor air quality
  • Surface and ground water quality
  • Toxic substances and hazardous wastes
  • Homes and communities
  • Infrastructure and surveillance
  • Global environmental health

Mental Health

  • Human resilience
  • Psychiatry & mental health nursing
  • Mental health rehabilitation
  • Management and treatment of mental health issues
  • Mental disorders
  • Positive psychology
  • Psychosis

Maternal, Infant and Child health

  • Hypertension and heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Intimate partner violence
  • Genetic conditions
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Tobacco, alcohol, and substance use
  • Inadequate nutrition
  • Unhealthy weight

Health Economics

  • Legal and financial health planning
  • International health care marketing
  • Global health policy
  • International healthcare marketing
  • Health economics and hospital behavior

Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Sexual rights
  • Reproductive rights
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Reproductive health care
  • Abortion
  • Gender equality
  • Early marriage
  • Ostracism
  • Violence against women
  • Sexual hygiene and sexually transmitted diseases

Non Communicable Diseases

  • Mortality and morbidity
  • Behavioral risk factors
  • Biological risk factors
  • National defense responses
  • Case-Mix for NCDs
  • Oral Health
  • Covid 19

Adolescent & Young Adults Health

  • Homicide
  • Suicide
  • Motor vehicle crashes, including those caused by drinking and driving
  • Substance use and abuse
  • Smoking including cigarette, e-cigarette, vape and shisha
  • Sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Teens and unplanned pregnancies
  • Homelessness

Family Planning

  • Contraceptive services
  • Pregnancy testing and counseling
  • Pregnancy–achieving services including preconception health services
  • Basic infertility services
  • Sexually transmitted disease services
  • Broader reproductive health services, including patient education and counseling
  • Breast and pelvic examinations
  • Breast and cervical cancer screening
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education, counseling, testing, and referral

Occupational and Safety Health

  • Work-related deaths, injuries, and illnesses
  • Psychosocial factors at work
  • Commuting accidents and injuries
  • Ergonomics in the workplace
  • Noise-induced hearing loss and impairment
  • Exposures to toxic substances in the workplace including heavy metals and radiation
  • Issues among elderly workers, migrant workers, underage workers, pregnant workers
  • Nanotechnology and nano particles: exposures, measurements and policies
  • Social Security Organizations, health insurance and coverage: policies and issues
  • Risk characterization, risk rating, and risk communication

Health Communication and Health Information Technology

  • HC&HIT in healthcare: digital devices, software and social media in healthcare
  • Health care quality and safety
  • Efficiency of health care and public health service delivery
  • Improving the public health information infrastructure
  • Supportive care in the community and at home
  • Facilitating clinical and consumer decision-making
  • Building health skills and knowledge
  • Public Health and social media

Social Determinants of Health

  • Availability of resources to meet daily needs (e.g., safe housing and local food markets)
  • Access to educational, economic, and job opportunities
  • Access to health care services
  • Quality of education and job training
  • Availability of community-based resources in support of community living and opportunities for recreational and leisure-time activities
  • Transportation options, public safety, social support
  • Social norms and attitudes (e.g., discrimination, racism, and distrust of government)
  • Exposure to crime, violence, and social disorder (e.g., presence of trash and lack of cooperation in a community)
  • Socioeconomic conditions (e.g., concentrated poverty and the stressful conditions that accompany it)
  • Residential segregation, language/literacy
  • Access to mass media and emerging technologies (e.g., cell phones, the Internet, and social media)

Other Disciplines

  • Smoking, Alcohol and Health
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare Innovations
  • Oral Health
  • Health Promotion and Health Education
  • Health Service management
  • Health and Climate Change
  • Health Policy Research
  • Public Health and Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Infectious diseases
  • School and Student Health
  • Preventive Health
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Obesity and Health Risks
  • Indigenous Health and Wellbeing
  • Health and Disability
  • Immune Health

Send your Abstract

You are invited to send your abstract on or before 18th September 2024 according to given the abstract guidelines. Different registration packages of the conference provides you so many benefits including food,  conference pack, abstract book, eligibility to attend the technical sessions, career development workshops, publication opportunities etc. You can select different presentation modes according to your preference. Presentations awards are one of the key elements of the conference. The presenters of the conference will be evaluated by a special committee of academic experts during the conference and best presenters will be awarded at the awarding ceremony.

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